Well, the babies were 3 weeks old yesterday! They have been home now for about 2 weeks and we have survived with help of mom! So how was our first couple weeks you ask? Trial and Error pretty much sums it up. We are trying really hard to keep the babies on a schedule and get them to sleep during the night. They like to stay up all night, they must take after their Uncle Tom!!
They all had their 2 week appointments at the doctors. They did great! The doctor said "their perfect". I know I think so! Gabe peed in the tongue depressor jar and all over the scale. Then Nick peed on the scale and all over the table. Dont you know Lainey had to join in on the fun and peed on the scale as well. I could do nothing but laugh and apologize. Needless to say there are no more tongue depressors next to the scale.
All of the babies are getting so big. Lainey has surpassed her brothers and now weighs 5lbs 10oz. She is the best baby. She eats good and sleeps sound until her next feeding. She will cry (or should I say scream - this kid has some lungs!!) when she gets a little gas pain or sometimes when you change her diaper. She is very alert and will sometimes just lay in her pack n play and just look around. Shes very patient with her brothers, as they are really noisy sleepers. I love holding her, especially when she is wide eyed. Its wonderful on the rare moments that I actually have time to just snuggle her. Daddy LOVES to hold his little girl. He will just snuggle and stare at her and tell her how beautiful she is. She loves to be held by daddy. We love you Lainey bug.
Nick is also getting very big. He is just over 5lbs. now. He has had the most trouble so far. He has a blocked tear duct they we give him some drops for. We also think he may have a small touch of reflux. We think it is the powdered formula so we have switched all of them to the liquid. It is more expensive and I am not sure that WIC will cover, but Gramma treated to a months worth. It seems to have worked so far. Nick slept really well last night, and did not cry out pain at all. He is also a really good baby. He has been fussy, but it is because of his tummy issues. When he is not having gas or reflux he is a very content and patient baby. He is my little guy and gets lots of snuggle time because of his belly issues. We just hold each other and try to wait for the pains to pass. He breaks my heart when he is in so much pain. I pray all the time that he will get through this stage quickly and not be in pain. Nick seems to be doing better on the new formula so he rested well last night. He too LOVES to be help by his daddy. If he is fussy, it usually takes me a second to settle him, however if his daddy picks him up he settles right down. We love you so much Nick.
My sweet Gabe. He is such a good baby. He is now 5lbs5oz. He has some trouble with his tummy too, but is not usually in pain. He is my grunter. He grunts all through is sleep and is usually the gassiest. Sometimes I think he startles himself with the gas he lets outs!!! He very rarely cries. He is very patient when his sister is screaming in his ear or his bother is kicking. He will sleep (and grunt) right through it. He has the biggest and brightest eyes (when he is awake!!) and he loves to look all around. I think he likes the TV, which goes against mommy's rule of no TV!! I think his daddy has been sneaking snuggles and tube time when mommy's not looking! He makes the cutest faces and gets "oooooo" over alot when we go out. I think he is rounder or something because he is so much fun to cuddle. I get to just muckle on to him. He too is like his brother and sister and LOVES to be snuggled by daddy. They are like 2 peas in a pod. There is something about daddy that these babies just love. We love you tons Gabe.
As for mommy, daddy, and gramma we are all doing well. We are working on a schedule that allows us to all get some sleep. Last nights schedule was a winner. Who knows what tonight will bring. We have been sleeping the babies separately in their cribs and they dont seem to want to sleep. So, last night we slept them together in their pack n play in the front room. Dont you know they all slept great. I think they just want to be together. It is really sweet. Tonight we will try sleeping them in the pack n play together in their nursery. We slowly change one thing each night until we can get them sleeping sound in their cribs. They certainly have a bond already and you tell it will never be broken. We have been so blessed with such wonderful babies. Thats all for now, its time to feed.
4 years ago
What a sweet posting. Thank you for taking to time to keep everyone posted on the little ones and their everyday adventures. I am glad Mommy, Daddy, and Grandma are getting it down. I know your posts certainly make my day brighter.
AWWW!!! They are soo cute!
Thx for keeping us updated!!
Its great to be able to check in and see what the latest happenings are. I am so happy that everyone is healthy and that you are all falling in to a routine of sorts. You are looking great! You have really adapted to motherhood amazingly well. I can't begin to imagine how overwhelming having 3 infants at once must be, you seem to be handling it beautiful. Kudos to you, daddy and gramma. A fine team! I look forward to talking with you when you have a chance to catch your breath.
Thanks for sharing...
love you,
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