This is a blog carnival from MckMamma's blog. I could not get the logo to copy but her goes. . .
Are you feeling guilty for drying the dishes with your shirt? Hope that no one saw when you ran to the mailbox in your jammies? Overcome with embarrassment after your child asked the grocery clerk, who did not have a baby in her tummy, if she "had a baby in her tummy?" Well don't be! Not Me! Monday was born out of my desire to admit some of my imperfections and reveal a few moments I'd rather forget. You may find it therapeutic to join in and do the same thing!
I most certainly did not, on a one on one day, stuff my son Gabe who is 3lbs larger than his sister into his sister's pink car seat because I did not want to climb to the back of the van to his car seat. No, I would never do that it wouldn't be uncomfortable for him and thats just plain lazy.
I most certainly did not find not one, not two, but all three of my children in the spice cabinet pawing through all the spices. Nor did I find my son with the brandy, used only for cooking of course, tipped up to his mouth pretending to drink it.
No more than 10 mins later I most certainly did not find two of my three out on the porch because I apparently did not close the front door all the way. That would be dangerous!
I absolutely did not get so fed up with my sweet trio for throwing food on the floor that I gave up and let them eat their lunch of the floor. No, not me. That is not sanitary at all.
I most certainly did not run out of wipes and use wash clothes to clean extremely poopy diapers. I mean really, how could I run out of wipes with three 15 month olds in diapers.
I absolutely did not use my shirt to continually wipe my daughters snotty nose. I would never do that, I would get a tissue. I then did not take a shower and put that shirt back on, that would be just plain gross.
This certainly has not been an eventful week!
4 years ago
Love your not me's! I have wiped noses with my shirt on a daily basis for like 4 years! No worries!
Your not Me's are great!
LOL, Love your " not me's" To funny!!!
Thanks for sharing the reality of motherhood-times 3.
This might be totally outside the realm of reason for you at this time, but I thought you could use the encouragement. Every mom can so I would like to invite you to join us for an online Bible study for MOMMAS on the book of Ephesians. We are using my Bible study workbook called “High Stepping in Heavenly Places.” The 10-week study began Sept.24. so it’s not too late to join in. A workbook is available (but not required) with homework. You will also be able to watch a 45-minute weekly video or download a podcast of the message (at no charge), and then share in an online discussion with other moms. Interested. My studies are non-denominational and perfect for all MOMS with toddlers, tweens, teens, or turning 'em loose. I hope you will consider joining in. I would count it a privilege to encourage and inspire you with the Word of God in the fine art of Christian mothering. Check it out at Blessings. jean
Love it! I'm sure you didn't do any of those things... love you guys!!!
Love it, Mary! My boys and I did NOT just eat a whole green bean casserole,straight out of the casserole dish, sitting on the kitchen floor with 4!
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